Cocaine Identification
“Curiosity killed the cat.” A common idiom that means looking for trouble will always result in trouble. The same can be said for testing out substances. While you may have had no intention of using cocaine, someone gives you a white powder to try. Not knowing what it is, your curiosity gets the best of you and you take it. Maybe this leads to using other substances, illicit and legal. Or it develops into a cocaine use disorder. If you had known about cocaine identification, maybe you wouldn’t have tried it in the first place.
In 2022, 1.5% of high school seniors reported using cocaine in the United States. While these numbers have decreased over time, educating students and the general public is key to keeping these statistics low. Clean Recovery Centers has helped hundreds living with substance use disorder find the path of recovery. Today, we are talking about cocaine identification.
What Is Cocaine Addiction?
Cocaine addiction is when the body becomes physically dependent and needs cocaine in order to function. It’s not as simple as “they can stop using any time they want.” The brain develops a tolerance over time and requires more cocaine in order to feel the same effects. After the cocaine is out of the system, the person will feel withdrawal symptoms that can be uncomfortable, overwhelming, and even painful, leading to continued use.
What Does Cocaine Look Like?
Cocaine has a recognizable look about it whether it is in powder form or solid form. While there can be hues of tan or beige, cocaine and crack are almost always uniformly white.
What Different Forms Does Cocaine Come In?
The most common form of cocaine is a white or off-white crystal-like powder. The presentation of cocaine is relatively uniform even when different cutting agents are used. This is because substances like talc, flour, and starch are already white and do not affect the overall appearance of cocaine.
When cocaine is in a solid form, it is called crack. Crack looks like small, white rocks that can be oblong in shape. Crack is made when cocaine is mixed with ammonia or sodium bicarbonate and then heated. This method gives crack its name. When the rock is smoked, it makes a crackling sound.
What Does Cocaine Taste Like?
Cocaine itself does not have a specific taste. When cocaine is mixed with agents such as talc, it will taste like talc. The coca plant – which cocaine is derived from – has a bitter and unpleasant taste but it doesn’t come forward in cocaine powder. Tasting cocaine will result in experiencing its effects.
Does Cocaine Have a Smell?
Cocaine is an odorless substance. There is no way to smell cocaine without ingesting it, therefore feeling its effects. There may be a scent of an additive that is detectable during snorting. Crack itself is also odorless, but when it is heated to be smoked, the smell of ammonia is noticeable.
How to Tell if a Loved One Is Addicted to Cocaine
When a loved one is managing a cocaine use disorder, they will experience a myriad of symptoms. Physically, they may experience withdrawal between uses. This causes fatigue, insomnia, and increased appetite. While using cocaine, symptoms like malnourishment, headaches, nosebleeds, and chest pain can be experienced. Over time, loss of smell and frequent sinus infections will be tell-tale signs of cocaine use. The longer they use, the more damage cocaine will do to the body.
Mental symptoms are just as prevalent as physical ones. Loss of relationships due to cocaine use is common. Job or school performance can decline. Anxiety from withdrawal and cravings can cause feelings of guilt and overwhelming stress. Cocaine changes the balance of chemicals in the brain. Even when your loved one does not want to use it anymore, the brain is telling the body that it needs cocaine.
Street Names for Cocaine
Cocaine goes by many street names. Some include:
- Coke
- Blow
- Flake
- Snow
- Rock
Side Effects and Overdose of Cocaine
The initial side effects of cocaine use are described as a sudden “rush” of euphoria and energy. These effects are short-lived and lead to using more to get the same feeling. Prolonged cocaine use will morph these feelings. Paranoia and erratic behavior begin to take over and the person using will become more withdrawn and distrusting.
Because the effects of cocaine last between 10 and 30 minutes, people often use it in binges. Binging episodes increase the risk of overdose exponentially. The common signs of overdose include:
- Increase body temperature
- Profuse sweating
- Chest pain
- Nausea or vomiting
- Seizures
There is no way to undo how much cocaine was ingested, nor is there a medication that can reverse its effects. Heart attacks and strokes are huge hazards that overdosing on cocaine can cause. It is important to seek medical attention if a cocaine overdose is suspected.
Getting Treatment for Cocaine Use Disorder
Cocaine has been around for quite some time and more people are using it every day. At Clean Recovery Centers, we understand that addiction didn’t happen overnight and neither will recovery. Our treatment for addiction to cocaine includes inpatient, residential, and outpatient services. An initial assessment will be done to see which option will work best.
Cocaine Detox
While a medical detox is not always needed for cocaine use disorder, the staff at Clean Recovery Centers is able to address any physical concerns as well as mental. Physical withdrawal symptoms can be managed with over-the-counter medications. The key is to have a strong support system, which can begin in group therapy at Clean Recovery Centers. Cocaine cravings can last months and even years, and having people to talk to can make a big difference in preventing relapse.
Residential / Inpatient Rehab Services
There are two stages to our residential treatment program.
Residential One – This is part of phase one of the treatment program. Individuals are in a 24-hour, 7-days-a-week, live-in environment. Medical support is available if needed, but the main focus is on individual, group, and family therapy. The length of stay in this treatment phase is 3-4 weeks.
Residential Two – This is where the transition to phase two happens. Phase two is the action phase, where individuals confront where the addiction started and prepare themselves for independent recovery. At Clean Recovery Centers, this step is referred to as day/night treatment, or DNT. While most clients choose to live in community housing on-site for this phase, it is not required. The program is a minimum of 30 hours of services per week. The four main focuses of DNT include experiential processes, defense mechanism identification, belief system exploration, and symbolic integration. All of these components are to help transition core beliefs and develop balance to a clean life. This phase of treatment typically lasts 2-3 weeks.
Mental Health Path – For those who have been diagnosed with a mental health condition during phase one, the treatment path can change to accommodate those needs first. Clients go into a residential II setting and receive specific treatment for their diagnosis as well as education and medication management.
Outpatient Rehab Services
Phase Three of the treatment process is the maintenance stage. At Clean Recovery Centers, we have two versions of outpatient services, intensive outpatient and outpatient. For intensive outpatient, or IOP, the client can choose to reside in a 24/7 monitored transitional living on-site or at home. The program is 9 hours per week minimum and continues with individual counseling. Outpatient is for those living at home or in sober living off-site and is 2 hours per week. Both services build on the skills learned in inpatient treatment and therapies to continue on the path to living heroin free. The length of stay for phase three is around 6-8 weeks.
Managing a cocaine use disorder can be exhausting, but recovery can be full of life and fulfillment. Clean Recovery Centers surrounds you with a caring staff and embraces peer support. Call us today at (888) 330-2532 to learn more about our unique treatment program and ground-breaking therapies.
FAQs About Cocaine
What is cocaine?
Cocaine is a stimulant derived from the coca plant.
Where does cocaine come from?
Cocaine is derived from the coca plant. The coca plant is native to Northern and Western South America. It can be processed and turned into cocaine in any location.