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Cocaine and Alcohol

Cocaine and Alcohol

Cocaine and Alcohol “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” -Nancy Christy You probably know that cocaine can change the way the brain functions. But did you know mixing cocaine and alcohol leads...
Alcohol and Depression

Alcohol and Depression

Alcohol and Depression You didn’t ask for it to be this way. You were brought into a family that was, unfortunately, dysfunctional. Your father was always yelling and abusing your mom, your sister, and yourself. He was never without a drink in hand, and he made sure...
Does Alcohol Cause Anxiety

Does Alcohol Cause Anxiety

Does Alcohol Cause Anxiety You’ve had a good routine managing your anxiety. With your therapist and mental health nurse practitioner, the medication and sessions have done wonders for your well-being. Each morning you wake up ready to take on the day and crush your...
Alcohol Eyes

Alcohol Eyes

Alcohol Eyes You have always been a lone wolf. With bouncing in and out of foster homes, you learned early on that you only had yourself to rely on. There were challenges along the way, and you tended to use alcohol to numb a lot of your feelings. This helped keep you...
How to Stop Alcohol Cravings

How to Stop Alcohol Cravings

How to Stop Alcohol Cravings You have tried time and time again, but alcohol seems always to find its way back to you. It didn’t matter that you had lost relationships, jobs, and your license from a recent DUI. You found solace in alcohol. The world around you seemed...
Alcohol and Psychosis

Alcohol and Psychosis

Alcohol and Psychosis Alcohol has been your solace for years, ever since your dad left and your mom got sick. Despite being on your own from an early age, you managed decent enough for yourself, even with your drinking habits. You held your job, kept a tidy apartment,...