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Cocaine and Seizures

Cocaine and Seizures

Cocaine and Seizures You hear about the negative side effects of illicit substances all the time. “Cocaine causes seizures,” “Cocaine causes blood clots,” and so on. But you have never experienced these effects, you must be immune to them, right? Truth be told, there...
Cocaine Tools

Cocaine Tools

Cocaine Tools Would you question seeing a smear of white film on the back of a CD you let your son borrow? What about seeing your daughter wearing a miniature spoon-shaped necklace you have never seen before – do you ask about it? Knowing about cocaine tools can help...
Does Cocaine Thin Out Your Blood

Does Cocaine Thin Out Your Blood

Does Cocaine Thin Out Your Blood When a loved one is using cocaine, chances are, they are not too worried about the ill effects it may be causing within their body. As a parent, sibling, friend, or family member, the weight of concern and worry are enough to keep you...
Can Cocaine Cause Blood Clots

Can Cocaine Cause Blood Clots

Can Cocaine Cause Blood Clots Chances are you know the common side effects of cocaine use. Maybe you have seen them in a loved one or yourself. But what is actually going on within the body? It can’t be that bad, right? Cocaine makes you feel good, sure the crash is...
What Is Cocaine Psychosis

What Is Cocaine Psychosis

What Is Cocaine Psychosis Have you ever seen something out of the corner of your eye that made you double-take? The initial feeling of fear as you see one thing but quickly realize it is something else as you look again. You laugh and feel silly for thinking you saw...
Cocaine Sweats

Cocaine Sweats

Cocaine Sweats “Sometimes when you’re in a dark place you think you’ve been buried, but actually you’ve been planted.” – Christine Caine In 2022, cocaine was present in over 240 overdose fatalities in Hillsborough County. While cocaine use has been decreasing over the...