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Cocaine Tools: Spotting Casual Drug Paraphernalia

Would you question seeing a smear of white film on the back of a CD you let your son borrow? What about seeing your daughter wearing a miniature spoon-shaped necklace you have never seen before – do you ask about it?

Knowing about cocaine tools can help parents and loved ones recognize cocaine use and know what to do. Even if your loved one is not in possession of cocaine, Florida law states it is illegal to carry paraphernalia, and they can be charged with a misdemeanor with fines, probation, and possible jail time.

Clean Recovery Centers believes in educating the public on topics surrounding substance use, especially less known areas like cocaine tools. Let’s take a look at what they are and how loved ones may be utilizing them.

cocaine tools clean recovery centers

Identifying Cocaine Paraphernalia

Cocaine is a well-known stimulant that speeds up the central nervous system. It is commonly taken by injecting, snorting, smoking, or swallowing. When it comes to substance use, tools or objects are often needed for taking doses. Cocaine is no different, and being able to identify paraphernalia can help you know if a loved one is using cocaine.

identifying cocaine paraphernaliaCommon Cocaine Tools and Accessories

The method of intake will influence the different tools that are needed for cocaine use. These can range from common household items to cocaine-specific accessories. Let’s take a look at these different tools and the purpose they serve.

Cocaine Spoons

Cocaine spoons are not the same as spoons you would find in a silverware set. These spoons are small enough to be necklaces, keychains, or other accessories. Cocaine spoons are used for taking quick doses of cocaine, referred to as bumps. A cocaine spoon can be used to give sample bumps to friends or potential customers as well as for discreet, small-dose uses.

Snuff Bullets

Snuff bullets were originally designed for tobacco use. It allowed for a small, discreet carrying case for snuff tobacco that made for quick access when wanting to use. Those taking cocaine began using the snuff bullet for the same purpose. Cocaine snuff bullets are bullet-shaped pieces of metal that have a lid for storage and access to cocaine. They only hold a small amount of cocaine, typically only one or two doses. Similar to cocaine spoons, they can be seen as keychains and other accessories. However, snuff bullets do not usually come with instructions and can be difficult to figure out at first.

Cocaine or Crack Pipes

Cocaine is a powder and is not a smokable product. However, crack is the solid form of cocaine, made by combining the powder with baking soda and other adulterants to make a rock-like substance. Crack is the only form of cocaine that can be smoked, and to do so requires a special pipe known as a crack pipe. Crack pipes are made of glass and can be cylindrical in shape or have a tube attached to a small, bowl-like end. Crack is placed on one side of the pipe and heated with a lighter or match. The person then inhales the vapor through the glass tube.

Razor Blades or Cutting Objects

When cocaine is produced, hydrochloric acid is added during the last stage. Cocaine HCl is the final product, and it is dried under heat lamps before being shipped to the United States. The product is a powder, but it can have chunks of crystalized material mixed in. On top of that, once the cocaine enters the country, dealers can add other substances to make the product last longer. Flour, talc, and other powders can make the cocaine more dense, causing it to clump together. Razor blades or other fine-edged objects (credit cards, pins, etc.) are used to cut the cocaine powder into fine lines, making it easier to snort.

Reflective Surfaces

Mirrors, CDs, and other reflective surfaces are common with cocaine use. This is because having a reflective surface makes it easier to see when cutting cocaine with a razor blade. The image reflecting back shows the person underneath the powder, letting them see if there are any clumps left. It also allows the person to see powder left over after snorting a dose. Glass tables can work as well, but most often mirrors will be used.

Small Baggies

Dealers typically sell cocaine in small, zip-locked bags in set increments. One of the most common is referred to as an 8-ball, which is around 3.5 grams of cocaine. The bags can be clear or colored, and some dealers will add a signature to the bag such as a sticker, stamp, or logo. This ensures the person knows where the cocaine came from and who they can get it from again. Bags may also be small pieces of plastic wrap with a twist tie around the cocaine powder.

Other Signs of Cocaine Use: How Can You Confirm a Loved One Is Taking Cocaine?

Cocaine produces numerous side effects that can be noticeable in a loved one. Besides paraphernalia, behavioral changes and differences in physical appearance are common with cocaine use. When cocaine is taken by snorting, the nose and nasal cavity can experience direct effects. Cocaine irritates the nasal passageways causing redness and nosebleeds and eventually, the tissues inside can become damaged. This can lead to a collapse of the septum, altering the appearance of the nose.

Loss of appetite is another side effect of cocaine use, and your loved one may lose weight quickly or have trouble keeping their weight up. If they are injecting cocaine, you may notice scarring, abscesses, and skin infections on the arms, hands, or neck.

Cocaine causes a surge of dopamine within the brain, creating a rush of pleasure and euphoria. Dopamine is naturally released as a reward for activities that are good for the body, such as eating and exercising. Cocaine takes over this response, and the brain responds by altering the dopamine system. Your loved one will have a more difficult time feeling joy from anything other than cocaine use. This can cause mood swings including irritability and anxiety when they do not have cocaine. As cocaine dependence escalates, your loved one may begin showing more signs of taking cocaine, including:

  • Poor work or school performance
  • Giving up hobbies or activities once enjoyed
  • Being more secretive or hiding from family and friends
  • Changing friend groups
  • Needing to borrow money or asking for rides to get cocaine
  • Possibly facing legal repercussions

Finding Help for Cocaine Addiction in Hillsborough County, FL

Finding cocaine tools in a loved one’s possession can have your mind racing, wondering what you can do to help. Cocaine can quickly take hold of their life, and they may need extra support to stop taking it. This is where cocaine rehab comes in, providing the therapies and skills needed to recover from cocaine use disorder. Addiction doesn’t happen overnight, and cocaine use disorder treatment will allow your loved one to see within themselves and where their use originates from. This begins the path to recovery, and healing is possible for all.

If you or someone you love is managing a cocaine use disorder, help is available today. Clean Recovery Centers offers a well-rounded program that addresses mental health, wellness, and skill-building to begin working toward a life without cocaine. Each of our locations has housing components so you never have to worry about where you will be staying in treatment. Call us today at (888) 330-2532 to schedule an appointment.

Get clean. Live clean. Stay clean.

FAQs About Cocaine Tools

What should I do if I find cocaine tools in my loved one’s home?

Finding cocaine tools can be scary, and it is normal to wonder what to do next. Having a conversation with your loved one can confirm if they are managing a cocaine use disorder. Make sure to not only hear their feelings but listen. Provide support if they decide to get help or if they want your assistance looking for treatment. Remember, they are a person, not a problem, and treating them as such will create a safe space to talk.

How can I tell if something has been used for cocaine?

Many substance tools will have white powder residue, so it can be hard to tell if something was used for cocaine. However, cocaine has specific tools such as mirrors, razor blades, snuff bullets, and miniature spoons that are indicative of use.

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