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Cocaine Snuff Bullet

Cocaine Snuff Bullet

Cocaine Snuff Bullet Your teenage son has been acting differently lately. The usual friend group he would hang out with has shifted, and the people he is inviting over now don’t seem like a part of the good crowd. You trust your son, and you know it has been hard on...
What Is Coke Jaw

What Is Coke Jaw

What Is Coke Jaw You have been using cocaine a lot since you enrolled in college. The surge of energy, the heightening of your senses, and the feelings of invincibility make you feel like never before. Sure, it can be expensive, but the feelings you get are worth it....
Cocaine Eyes

Cocaine Eyes

Cocaine Eyes The eyes are the window to the soul, so what happens when we cannot see? An eye doctor can help with injuries to the eye and blurry vision. For some of us, that means contacts or glasses. But what happens when the eye becomes damaged from substance use?...
Cocaine Nose

Cocaine Nose

Cocaine Nose There are certain stereotypes we all know when it comes to substance use. For example, if you ask someone “what is a common way to use heroin?” most people (whether they use it or not) will tell you it is injected. The same stereotype goes for cocaine –...
How Much Does Cocaine Cost

How Much Does Cocaine Cost

How Much Does Cocaine Cost Cocaine is often referred to as the “rich man’s drug.” Movies like “Blow” show how being a cocaine importer was a lucrative business and gave an insight into just how powerful the drug cartels were. Even in today’s society, the cartels are...
Cocaine Withdrawals

Cocaine Withdrawals

Cocaine Withdrawals When most people think of withdrawal, they usually have an image in mind of a person shaking and begging for whatever substance. Most people don’t know that withdrawal can happen from even the most mundane things. That headache you get when you...