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Addiction and the Family: A Terrible Ordeal

Addiction and the Family: A Terrible Ordeal

Addiction and the Family: A Terrible Ordeal Drug and alcohol addiction is a terrible ordeal for a family. Although other diseases such as cancer powerfully impact families, addiction is perhaps the most devastating.It is always serious when a family member becomes...
Isolation and Addiction

Isolation and Addiction

Isolation and Addiction The disease of addiction is a baffling and often lethal disorder. It is a disease of loneliness and despair. Chemicals in the brain that are necessary to feel right are depleted, and depression increases. Without help, the suffering individual...
Co-Dependence and Enabling Drug Addiction

Co-Dependence and Enabling Drug Addiction

Co-Dependence and Enabling Drug Addiction Drug addiction is not just a disease that impacts the addict’s life, health and daily routine. It’s also a disease that affects the people who love the addict, such as family members and close friends. The cost of...
The Cost of Addiction

The Cost of Addiction

The Cost of Addiction There is an ongoing debate around the cost of addiction. Many complain that the costs for treatment are too high. But what a lot of people don’t understand is that insurance companies often only pay a fraction of what is charged, and the amounts...
What Environments Nurture Addiction?

What Environments Nurture Addiction?

What Environments Nurture Addiction? There’s a saying in the recovery community that recovering drug addicts and alcoholics need to change major things in their lives including “people, places and things.” Based on my experience, there’s a great deal of truth in that...