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PRESS RELEASE: Clean Recovery Centers Is Sponsoring a “Give It Up” Challenge During Recovery Month in September

Tampa, FL, September 1, 2019 – Clean Recovery Centers is throwing down the gauntlet – challenging anyone and everyone to “Give It Up” for 30 days during Recovery Month in September. While the focus is on drugs and alcohol, any addiction is in play – smoking, shopping, chocolate, gossiping, golf, soda and more . . .  anything that has you in a tight, tough-to-break grip.

“At Clean Recovery Centers we know how tough it is for our clients to give up drugs and alcohol but that is the absolute key to recovery for those suffering from addiction,” said Clean Recovery Centers’ CEO Shayne Sundholm. “During September we encourage you to give up whatever you’re addicted to – it’s not easy.”

Here’s how the Oxford American Thesaurus lists Addiction: dependency, craving, devotion, obsession, dedication, enslavement, habit.

Take your pick – the noose of addiction is a tight one. But Recovery Month celebrates the fact that many addicts work hard and get well. Can you kick the habit?

Are you up to the 30-day challenge? Visit to commit to your 30 days.

For more information, contact 888-330-CLEAN (2532) or [email protected].

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