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Finding the Right Treatment Center

When looking for a treatment center, you should ask if the center incorporates some recovery coaching techniques and if the staff has been trained on these methods. These techniques are important because they help support an individual’s recovery.

By Nick Cuneo, President, Clean Recovery Centers

Staff availability

At Clean Recovery Centers, we use recovery coaching techniques that are closely aligned with our addiction treatment program. For example, our staff is available to those in recovery many times daily and also when needed. In a sense, they are mentors for the those in recovery and perform many of the same functions – advising, suggesting, guiding and encouraging those on the path to recovery.

They do not impose their views on individuals. Instead, they put them in charge of their own recovery with responsibility for their choices. We have used these techniques successfully with many individuals from different racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds.


Family treatment – a key component  

It is also wise to ask if family treatment is provided. The person going through the recovery process may dramatically change for the better. But this does not mean that the family or significant others have changed or are changing. They may still see and relate to the person in recovery as they did when the person was in active addiction, not as they are now.

This can be destructive, often impeding recovery or preventing new ways of relating to family members. Strong family therapy can help tremendously.


Focusing on the long term

The treatment program should be a continuum of services rather than a crises-oriented approach, and it should place heavy emphasis on ongoing recovery.

The importance of ongoing individual, family and community support in transitioning to a successful long term recovery is critical.  Treatment programs need to move beyond just focusing on the acute stages of recovery to planning for long term, ongoing recovery.


A well-rounded approach

It is also important that the treatment center emphasize a sense of community and family and that they provide critical services such as vocational support.

The treatment itself should emphasize a well-rounded, multi-faceted approach. This would include elements such as deep clinical work in groups and one-on-one sessions, as well as yoga, massage, physio therapy and nutrition. A strong 12 step process is often very desirable.

In addition to determining the type of treatment conducted by the center, ask what recovery rates they have documented.


Ask for references

We are very clear about the approach we use at Clean Recovery Centers, and it does not include SMART therapy or long term MAT. If someone insists on having these elements as part of their treatment, we will do our best to direct them to facilities that can provide these services.

It is also wise to do additional research on the center. Go online and check out reviews, ratings and testimonials. In addition, ask the center if you can speak to a few people as references. These might include individuals who have gone through the program as well as family members and friends of those in recovery.

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