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Clean Recovery Centers Offers COVID-19 Testing for Clients

Tampa, FL, March 26, 2020 — As part of its ongoing efforts to help combat the COVID-19 virus, Clean Recovery Centers now offers testing for its clients and staff who may be at high risk or symptomatic. “It’s an additional precaution, should it be needed, to help ensure that existing and newly admitted clients and staff are safe,” said CEO Shayne Sundholm. “It is comforting to know we at least have access to these tests. Our COVID-19 Policies and Procedures precludes any new or existing client or staff member from entering any Clean Recovery Centers facilities or residences should they show any signs, symptoms, or have had possible exposure to

COVID-19. That said, should the need arise for whatever circumstance, we do have the ability to test.  Of course, whatever option has the fastest turnaround time in terms of results will be utilized, whether that is here or at local testing facilities,” he added.

Those wanting to admit into our center who answer affirmatively to the prescreening questions regarding COVID-19 symptoms and criteria will not be permitted into our facilities or residences until such time as it is certain that they are negative for COVID-19. These people will be offered telemedicine services. Any existing client or staff member that our medical team determines should be tested, will not be permitted into our facilities again until such time as we know that the test is negative for COVID-19.

As Sundholm notes, most people now understand that this new virus is of global health significance caused by infection of severe acute respiratory syndrome. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), COVID-19 is thought to spread from person to person in close contact through respiratory droplets. It is also possible that a person can catch COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it. The CDC reports that symptoms may appear 2–14 days after exposure. These symptoms include fever, cough and shortness of breath.


Accurate, timely results

Clean Recovery Centers uses an independent lab, which is providing these tests. The test detects the presence of SARS-CoV-2 and is for patients who meet current guidance for evaluation of infection with COVID-19 and is made available by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The CDC has released criteria for healthcare providers for the evaluation of patients under investigation of COVID-19. As of March 4, 2020, recommendations include testing for a wider group of symptomatic people. Per CDC guidelines, our providers will use their judgment to determine if a client has signs and symptoms compatible with COVID-19 and whether the patient should be tested.


Ongoing commitment

Having access to COVID-19 tests is part of Clean Recovery Center’s ongoing commitment to handling this situation in the most robust manner. To recap:

  • We have implemented a comprehensive Coronavirus Policy and Procedure and we are making it more robust each day as we receive the most up to date information from local, state, and federal authorities.
  • We are following the guidelines of the CDC and have developed measures to properly look at risks associated with any pandemic situation.
  • All prescreening will include questions regarding travel to China, Asia, Europe, hot spot states in the US, flu-like symptoms, if the individual has come in contact with anyone who has COVID-19, if any family members been exposed to COVID-19, if the individual is experiencing shortness of breath, coughing, fever or other symptoms of Coronavirus and/or a flu and if the individual has been tested for the Coronavirus or is willing to be tested.
  • Those wanting to admit into our center who answer affirmatively to the prescreening questions will not be permitted into our facilities or residences until such time as it is certain that they are negative for COVID-19. These people will be offered telemedicine services.
  • Any existing client or staff member that our medical team determines should be tested, will not be permitted into our facilities again until such time as we know that the test is negative for COVID-19.
  • Staff and clients have been trained on proper hand washing and prevention method and are practicing social distancing to the greatest extent possible.
  • Clients previously attending outpatient services at the center and living at home are no longer permitted into our facilities. These services will now be available only through telemedicine.
  • Clients living in our DNT and IOP residences are not permitted to work. If they have access to  an automobile, they can only use it to drive to and from the treatment center.
  • Visitation to our facilities has been cancelled until further notice unless deemed absolutely necessary. If necessary, visitors will be pre-screened for any potential exposure to COVID-19 and any health risks they may have.
  • Anyone required to come into our centers for maintenance, food delivery, etc., will be prescreened and have their temperature checked.

These measures and the ability of Clean Recovery Centers to test for COVID-19, should circumstances required that action, will help us mitigate risk across our facilities.

Sundholm added, “These measures are extremely important as many people suffering from addiction and other mental health challenges are struggling even more today because 12 step meetings and other support group mechanisms have largely been shut down.”

These individuals, he explained, need a safe place to go for treatment. In addition, the country needs well-run facilities to help reduce the risk that they become infected with and spread COVID-19.

Clean Recovery Centers is located at 508 West Fletcher Avenue in Tampa, Florida. For information, contact 888-330-CLEAN (2532) or [email protected].

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