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Do I Completely Start Over After a Relapse?

Do I Completely Start Over After a Relapse?

Do I Completely Start Over After a Relapse? Recovery from addiction is a journey. The path to recovery is different for every person, and the chances are that it isn’t a straight one. The National Institute on Drug Abuse says that 40-60% of people in recovery will...
What Environments Nurture Addiction?

What Environments Nurture Addiction?

What Environments Nurture Addiction? There’s a saying in the recovery community that recovering drug addicts and alcoholics need to change major things in their lives including “people, places and things.” Based on my experience, there’s a great deal of truth in that...
Dangers of Quitting Drugs Cold Turkey

Dangers of Quitting Drugs Cold Turkey

Dangers of Quitting Drugs Cold Turkey Alcohol and drug addiction continue to be a life-threatening issue for millions of Americans, including some who are still in their teens. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 19.7 million...
Understanding Cross Addiction

Understanding Cross Addiction

Understanding Cross Addiction Addiction is complicated. The more researchers explore what causes some people to become dependent on drugs and alcohol, the more they realize that ending substance abuse is about more than just saying no. Part chemical craving and part...
Addiction: Why It’s a Progressive Disease

Addiction: Why It’s a Progressive Disease

Addiction: Why It’s a Progressive Disease Cunning, baffling and powerful – that’s how many describe addiction, which is truly a horrific disease. It’s also progressive. Once a person is addicted to drugs and/or alcohol, the disease gets worse if the person remains in...