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  • Standard post published to Clean Recovery Centers at February 05, 2025 19:35
    on February 5, 2025 at 7:35 pm

    In 2023, Florida matched the national average for adults reporting anxiety and/or depression symptoms at 32.3%. Anxiety can mean various different conditions, encompassing panic disorders and generalized anxiety disorder. Clean Recovery Centers understands the different symptoms behind different types of anxiety, and our program reflects the proper care for each individual. Today, we are discussing anxiety and panic attacks, how they are similar, and the key differences that separate each condition.Learn more

  • Standard post published to Clean Recovery Centers at February 04, 2025 19:13
    on February 4, 2025 at 7:13 pm

    We have all felt anger before, and when looking back on it, there was a cause that created the emotion. In those with bipolar disorder, this is not always the case – bipolar rage can come out of nowhere and for no specific reason. Why does this happen and how can you help when the situation arises? Mood disorders like bipolar disorder can be unpredictable, and in Hillsborough County, almost 4,300 hospitalizations occurred due to them in 2023. At Clean Recovery Centers, we understand the prevalence of mood disorders and the compassionate care they require. Let’s talk about bipolar disorder rage and how to effectively manage it in the future.Learn more